Mouse Cursors

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This area contains all cursors which can be linked with a command button or a menu.

A cursor animation is a collection of one or more single sprites (they should be alike in height and width). You can set the active centre of a cursor (a red corss hair) by pressing the left mouse button at the desired position on the sprite. A navigation menu (next/previous frame, show animation etc.) can be found at the top.

The big white field next to the navigation menu is a timeline. A click on a sprite on the timeline with the left mouse button will open the particular cursor image. A right-click opens a context menu which enables you to add a new frame, to edit or delete an existing frame. When selecting Add frame and Load/Edit frame a dialog is shown in which you can choose the image file of the current sprite. Furthermore you can choose a transparency color (optional). To do so, check the Activate Transparency checkbox. To choose the colour, click on the button Transparency. Thereafter click on the image to finally select the desired colour. The chosen colour will be shown next to the button.


Inactive Cursor

This tool can be found between the navigation menu and the timeline. With this tool you can create an animation for the inactive cursor. An inactive cursor is a cursor which does not hover an object or a character the player can interact with.

Active Cursor

This tool can be found between the navigation menu and the timeline. With this tool you can create an animation for the active cursor. An active cursor is a cursor which hovers an object or a character the player can interact with.