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===Delete savegame/autosave===
===Delete savegame/autosave===
Deletes a savegame/autosave. If <font class="keyword">Autosave</font> is selected then <font class="keyword">Autosave-nr</font> must be set, and the corresponding autosave-savegame will be deleted. If <font class="keyword">Current savegame</font> is selected then <font class="keyword">Autosave-nr</font> is not used, and the currently selected savegame will be deleted.
Deletes a savegame/autosave. If <font class="keyword">Autosave</font> is selected then <font class="keyword">Autosave-nr</font> must be set, and the corresponding autosave-savegame will be deleted. If <font class="keyword">Current savegame</font> is selected then <font class="keyword">Autosave-nr</font> is not used, and the currently selected savegame will be deleted.
== Miscellaneous ==

Revision as of 17:53, 25 March 2006


Display text

Displays a text spoken by a character at its current position using its current font. If the character is standing outside the visible area the text is displayed at the nearest visible area of the screen. The following actionparts wont be executed until the text is no longer displayed. During the display of the text no user interaction is possible. If the cursor hasn't been disabled before then the display of the text can be skipped with the left mouse button.

Display background-text

Displays a text spoken by a character at its current position using its current font. If the character is standing outside the visible area the text is displayed at the nearest visible area of the screen. The following actionparts will be executed immediately. The text has no influence on user interaction. It is also possible to show multiple background-texts at the same time. E.g. an action could be created where two NPCs are talking to each other in the background.

Send character to position

Sends character to a specified destination. Be sure the destination is not outside of the way borders. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined.

Send character to position +

Sends character to a specified destination. Be sure the destination is not outside of the way borders. The character can be on any scene.

Send character to object

Sends character to a specified object. Be sure that both, character and object are on the same scene. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined.

Send character to object +

Sends character to a specified object. Be sure that both, character and object are on the same scene. The character can be on any scene.

Send character to position and wait

Combines the actionparts Send character to position and Wait until character stops. Sends the character to a specified destination. Be sure the destination is not outside of the way borders. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined. The execution of the remaining actionparts stops and continues when the character has stopped walking. This actionpart should only be used when the character can't be controlled (either during a cutscene or after an actionpart Hide cursor).

Send character to object and wait

Combines the actionparts Send character to object and Wait until character stops. Sends character to a specified object. Be sure that both, character and object are on the same scene. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined. The execution of the remaining actionparts stops and continues when the character has stopped walking. This actionpart should only be used when the character can't be controlled (either during a cutscene or after an actionpart Hide cursor).

Wait until character stops

The execution of the remaining actionparts stops and continues when the character has stopped walking. This actionpart should only be used when the character can't be controlled (either during a cutscene or after an actionpart Hide cursor). Normally this actionpart should be after an actionpart Send character to... .

Stop character

This action part stops a character if it is walking (otherwise it has no effect).

Align character

Turns character to look into a specified direction.

Set character to an object

Places character next to a specified object. The scene wont be changed if character and object aren't on the same scene!

Change character

Changes the character, currently controlled by the player. This action also changes scenes if necessary.

Change to scene of a character

Switches to the scene on which the selected character is standing at the moment. This action part is useful for a button like 'Resume Game' in a menu screen. Simply changing the scene wont work since you cannot be sure where a character stands at any moment.

Change outfit of a character

Changes a character's outfit, e.g. from 'normal' to 'leisure suit'.

Change comment-set of a character

Changes the character's comment set, e.g. if character's mood changes.

Example: Current comment set:

"It does not work."
"I can't."

New comment set:

"NO WAY! I will not do this!"
"This idea is as stupid as your last one!"

Change walking sound

Changes the walking sound of a character (e.g. walking on asphalt or mud).

Change font of a character

Changes font of a character.

Change character speed

Changes pace speed of a character.

Chase character

Order a character to follow another standing on the same scene. Action enables you to choose an action which you want to be executed if the character is within a specified area around the character it is to follow. Configure this radius in pixels under Range.

Stop chase

Character stops following another character. Select the same character you don't want your character to follow any more under Chasing character.

Show/Hide person

If hide is set, the selected person won't be shown anymore. If show is set, a previously hidden person will be shown again.

Set person visibility

Sets the visibility for a person. Visibility [%] defines the desired visibility as percentage. 0 [%] means that the person is not visible at all, 100 [%] means that the person is completely visible (default). If a value for Visibility (Value) is set, this value will be used for visibility and not the setting of the trackbar Visibility [%]. Delay [ms] defines the time from the current visibility to the desired visibility. The visibility of a person will not be saved in a savegame. If the visibility is needed for savegames it should be saved in a value.

Start dialog

Starts dialog between the current character and a partner. The dialog has to be created under the dialog option of the addressed character. Following actionparts will be executed immediately so take care if this is not the last actionpart of the action.

Stop current dialog

Stops the current dialog. This actionpart is only available in dialog actions.


Show scene

Shows selected scene without changing the character. This action part is useful for 'in game sequences' or to open a menu. If Fade scene is set, the selected scene will fade in starting on a black screen. Otherwise the scene will be loaded right away.

Change scene

Sets the selected character to the selected object and changes to the scene where the object is located, if necessary. If Fade scene is activated it will be faded in from black to normal. Otherwise the scene will be shown immediately.

Scroll scene to object

Scrolls the scene until the selected object is in the centre of it. Be sure to select an object which actually is on the selected screen.

Scroll scene to position

Scrolls scene's upper left corner to specified position.

Center scene on character permanently

Scrolls scene so that the selected character is always in the centre of it. You can stop this eighter by choosing another character which is to be centred or by turning it off using the Stop centering action part. This very action part is meant to be used in cut-scenes in which the current character is not shown.

Change background music

Changes the current background music. When re-entering this scene the original background music will be played again.

Change background music permanently

Changes the background music of the selected scene for good. If re-entering the scene the new background music will be played.

Set light map

Sets the light map (see Light map in Scene) for the selected scene.

Set brightness

Sets the overall brightness for the scene. This brightness is valid until it is changed with this actionpart again (thus it is also valid beyond the current scene). 0 means that there is no light at all and everything on the scene is drawn black. With 100 all images are drawn with their original brightness.

Queries, Conditions, Values

If condition is true then

Executes the following action parts only if the selected condition is true. If false the following action parts are skipped and the action continues at the position of the next 'else' (or End if if 'else' does not exist.

If condition is false then

Executes the following action parts only if the selected condition is false. If true the following action parts are skipped and it continues at the position of the next 'else' (or End if if 'else' does not exist.

If value then

Executes the following action parts only if the value satisfies specified criteria. If not the execution skips them and continues at the very next 'else' action part (if exists, otherwise at the next End if action part).

If character is on scene then

Executes the following action parts only if the selected character is on the chosen scene. If not the execution skips them and continues at the very next 'else' action part (if exists, otherwise at the next End if action part).

If character is current character then

Executes the following action parts only if the selected character is controlled by the player currently. Otherwise the next action parts are skipped and the execution continues at the very next 'else' (if exists, otherwise at the next End if action part).

If language is current language then

Executes the following action parts only if the selected language is the current language in the game. Otherwise the next action parts are skipped and the execution continues at the very next 'else' (if exists, otherwise at the next End if action part).

If command is current command then

Executes the following action parts only if the selected command is the current command in the game. Otherwise the next action parts are skipped and the execution continues at the very next 'else' (if exists, otherwise at the next End if action part).

If current object... then

Executes the following action parts only if the current object where the cursor is at fulfills the following selected conditions:

  • empty/not empty: This condition is always true
  • not empty: This condition is true if the current object exists (not empty)
  • empty: This condition is true if the current object doesn't exist (empty)
  • all: This condition is true if the current object is a scene object, an item or a person
  • scene object: This condition is true if the current object is a scene object
  • item: This condition is true if the current object is an item (in the interface/inventory)
  • character: This condition is true if the current object is a person

If the conditions are not fulfilled the next action parts are skipped and the execution continues at the very next 'else' (if exists, otherwise at the next End if action part).

If Savegame/Autosave exists then

Executes the following action parts only if the savegame exists. If Autosave is selected then Autosave-nr must be set, and the corresponding autosave-savegame will be tested. If Current savegame is selected then Autosave-nr is not used, and the currently selected savegame will be tested. If the savegame does not exist the next action parts are skipped and the execution continues at the very next 'else' (if exists, otherwise at the next End if action part).


Marks the else-block of an 'if-then-else' block.

End if

Marks the end of an 'if-then-else' block.

Set condition to true

Sets specified condition to true. Use only if condition isn't a combined condition.

Set condition to false

Sets specified condition to false. Use only if condition isn't a combined condition.

Set value

Sets chosen value to user's entry.

Set random value

Sets value to random number in a chosen interval.

Bag / Inventory / Interface

Add item to inventory

Puts selected item into the bag of the selected character. If it is already in it nothing happens.

Remove item from inventory

Removes selected item from the selected character's bag. If it isn't in the bag nothing happens.

Remove all items from inventory

Removes all items from the bag of the chosen character.

Transfer all items to other character

Gives all items of a character to another character.

Save object

Saves the object which is currently under the cursor. This actionpart is used for the actionpart Execute command on saved object.

Execute command on saved object

The current command is being executed on the previous saved object. For instance a Monkey Island 3 interface can be created with this. For example you can create a right mouse button action which saves the current object and shows the interface, and also an action to each command in the interface which executes the command on the saved object and hides the interface. After this actionpart the saved object will be displayed in the actiontext instead of the current object (the object which the cursor is currently at).

Clear saved object

Clears the saved object. After this actionpart the current object (the object which the cursor is currently at) will be displayed in the actiontext again.

Show bag

Shows the interface and/or the inventory if it was hidden with Hide bag action part.

Hide bag

Hides the interface and/or inventory. The action parts Show/Hide Interface and Show/Hide Inventar will have no effect.

Show/Hide Interface

Shows/hides the interface. Visibility means it will be shown again if it has been hidden, vice versa.

Show/Hide Inventory

Hides the inventory. Visibility means the inventory is shown if it was hidden, vice versa.

Set interface visibility

Sets the visibility of the current interface (with all its buttons and items). Visibility [%] defines the desired visibility as percentage. 0 [%] means that the interface is not visible at all, 100 [%] means that the interface is completely visible (default). If a value for Visibility (Value) is set, this value will be used for visibility and not the setting of the trackbar Visibility [%]. Delay [ms] defines the time from the current visibility to the desired visibility.

Set inventory visibility

Sets the visibility of the current inventory (with all its buttons and items). Visibility [%] defines the desired visibility as percentage. 0 [%] means that the inventory is not visible at all, 100 [%] means that the inventory is completely visible (default). If a value for Visibility (Value) is set, this value will be used for visibility and not the setting of the trackbar Visibility [%]. Delay [ms] defines the time from the current visibility to the desired visibility.

Set active/inactive sprite

Activates the active/inactive sprite of a button. For example this can be used to set the active sprite of the command which the cursor is currently over.

Change the interface of a Character


Change the inventory of a Character



Call other action

Calls another action whose execution type will usually be When called by other action. The current action continues after the called one is finished.

Quit current action

Stops execution of the action. The following action parts will be skipped.

Quit an action

Stops execution of another action. If the other action is not being run at the moment, nothing happens.

Jump to action part

Jumps to a specific action part of the action. If Absolute value (relative otherwise) is selected the execution continues at the position of the action part list set in Skip action parts (e.g. value of 4 means the execution continues at the 4th action part of the action). If Absolute value (relative otherwise) is not selected a certain number of action parts are skipped as set in Skipp action parts according to the current position (e.g. a value of 4 means that according to the current position the next 4 action parts are skipped).

Example: Action with 5 action parts:

If condition is true
Display text
jump to action part
End if

If jumping 1 item absolutely, the next action part will be 'If condition is true'. Jumping relatively the next one will be 'End if'...


Play sound

Plays chosen sound. You can configure volume and balance also.

Play and loop sound infinitely

Plays and loops chosen sound. You can configure volume and balance also.

Stop currently playing sound

Stops selected sound if playing currently.

Change general sound volume

Sets general sound volume to a specified value. This action has effects on sounds which are played by using the Play sound- and Play and loop sound infinitely action parts only. If you set volume and balance of a sound which is to be played normally, it will be played using the volume and balance configuration as set here. You can use this action part in a menu in which you can configure general game properties.

Change general music volume

Changes volume of the background music of all scenes to specified volume. You can use this action in a menu in which you can configure general game properties.

Change general speech volume

Changes speech volume of all speech sounds to specified value to volume specified . Speech sounds are sounds chosen in Display text- and Show speaker text action parts.You can use this action in a menu in which you can configure general game properties.

Change settings of a currently playing sound

Changes balance and volume of a chosen sound if playing currently.

Play video

Plays selected video. It can be stopped by pressing ESC. Mouse actions keystrokes have no effect.


Save game

Saves the current game. This action part can be used in a load/save menu (a menu with at least one screenshot area, check Menu Tools) only. This action part has to be the last of the action. The user will have to choose a game slot under which the game will be saved. The scene on which the currently played character is will be saved as the current scene (this scene will be shown after loading the savegame).

Load game

Loads a selected game. This action part can be used in a load/save menu (a menu with at least one screenshot area, check Menu Tools) only. This action part has to be the last of the action. The user has to select a game slot under which the game has been saved. After this action part the current scene and character of the saved game are loaded and you continue at the moment on which the loaded game was saved.

Show next savegames

Shows the next screenshot(s) of a savegame in the screenshot area. You can specify the scroll range (how many new screenshots after each scroll) - to do so open Scene settings and set Savegame scroll amount to the desired value. This action part can only be used in a load/save menu with at least one screenshot area (for further details see Menu Tools).

Show previous sagegames

Shows the previous screenshot(s) of a savegame in the screenshop area. You can specify the scroll range (how many screenshots after each scroll) - to do so open Scene settings and set Savegames scroll amount to the desired value. This action part can only be used in a load/save menu with at least one screenshot area (for further details see Menu Tools).

Start autosave

Saves the current game without capturing a screen shot. This savegame can be loaded by using the Load autosave action part only. This action part has to be the last of the action. Autosave-nr is the number of the savegame and must be between 0-99.

Load autosave

Loads a saved game which was saved using the Start autosave action part. This action part has to be the last of the action. Autosave-nr is the number of the savegame and must be between 0-99.

Delete savegame/autosave

Deletes a savegame/autosave. If Autosave is selected then Autosave-nr must be set, and the corresponding autosave-savegame will be deleted. If Current savegame is selected then Autosave-nr is not used, and the currently selected savegame will be deleted.
