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Display text

Displays a text spoken by a character at its current position using its current font. If the character is standing outside the visible area the text is displayed at the nearest visible area of the screen. The following actionparts wont be executed until the text is no longer displayed. During the display of the text no user interaction is possible. If the cursor hasn't been disabled before then the display of the text can be skipped with the left mouse button.

Display background-text

Displays a text spoken by a character at its current position using its current font. If the character is standing outside the visible area the text is displayed at the nearest visible area of the screen. The following actionparts will be executed immediately. The text has no influence on user interaction. It is also possible to show multiple background-texts at the same time. E.g. an action could be created where two NPCs are talking to each other in the background.

Send character to position

Sends character to a specified destination. Be sure the destination is not outside of the way borders. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined.

Send character to position +

Sends character to a specified destination. Be sure the destination is not outside of the way borders. The character can be on any scene.

Send character to object

Sends character to a specified object. Be sure that both, character and object are on the same scene. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined.

Send character to object +

Sends character to a specified object. Be sure that both, character and object are on the same scene. The character can be on any scene.

Send character to position and wait

Combines the actionparts Send character to position and Wait until character stops. Sends the character to a specified destination. Be sure the destination is not outside of the way borders. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined. The execution of the remaining actionparts stops and continues when the character has stopped walking. This actionpart should only be used when the character can't be controlled (either during a cutscene or after an actionpart Hide cursor).

Send character to object and wait

Combines the actionparts Send character to object and Wait until character stops. Sends character to a specified object. Be sure that both, character and object are on the same scene. The character must be on the same scene as the action where this actionpart is defined. The execution of the remaining actionparts stops and continues when the character has stopped walking. This actionpart should only be used when the character can't be controlled (either during a cutscene or after an actionpart Hide cursor).

Wait until character stops

The execution of the remaining actionparts stops and continues when the character has stopped walking. This actionpart should only be used when the character can't be controlled (either during a cutscene or after an actionpart Hide cursor). Normally this actionpart should be after an actionpart Send character to... .

Stop character

This action part stops a character if it is walking (otherwise it has no effect).

Align character

Turns character to look into a specified direction.

Set character to an object

Places character next to a specified object. The scene wont be changed if character and object aren't on the same scene!

Change character

Changes the character, currently controlled by the player. This action also changes scenes if necessary.

Change to scene of a character

Switches to the scene on which the selected character is standing at the moment. This action part is useful for a button like 'Resume Game' in a menu screen. Simply changing the scene wont work since you cannot be sure where a character stands at any moment.

Change outfit of a character

Changes a character's outfit, e.g. from 'normal' to 'leisure suit'.

Change comment-set of a character

Changes the character's comment set, e.g. if character's mood changes.

Example: Current comment set:

"It does not work."
"I can't."

New comment set:

"NO WAY! I will not do this!"
"This idea is as stupid as your last one!"

Change walking sound

Changes the walking sound of a character (e.g. walking on asphalt or mud).

Change font of a character

Changes font of a character.

Change character speed

Changes pace speed of a character.

Chase character

Order a character to follow another standing on the same scene. Action enables you to choose an action which you want to be executed if the character is within a specified area around the character it is to follow. Configure this radius in pixels under Range.

Stop chase

Character stops following another character. Select the same character you don't want your character to follow any more under Chasing character.

Show/Hide person

If hide is set, the selected person won't be shown anymore. If show is set, a previously hidden person will be shown again.

Set person visibility

Sets the visibility for a person. Visibility [%] defines the desired visibility as percentage. 0 [%] means that the person is not visible at all, 100 [%] means that the person is completely visible (default). If a value for Visibility (Value) is set, this value will be used for visibility and not the setting of the trackbar Visibility [%]. Delay [ms] defines the time from the current visibility to the desired visibility. The visibility of a person will not be saved in a savegame. If the visibility is needed for savegames it should be saved in a value.

Start dialog

Starts dialog between the current character and a partner. The dialog has to be created under the dialog option of the addressed character. Following actionparts will be executed immediately so take care if this is not the last actionpart of the action.

Stop current dialog

Stops the current dialog. This actionpart is only available in dialog actions.
