Ini File

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Visionaire 2.x offers a very comfortable way to predefine the settings of the SmartSetup via an .ini-file. It can be very annoying if you have to change the settings everytime. You can also pass over some values, which disables the SmartSetup at all and starts a game immediately:

The .ini-file and the player have to be in the same directory. The filename of the .ini-file has to be 'config.ini'.

Parameters of the config.ini-file:

FULLSCREEN = {yes|no}
  • yes - starts the game in fullscreen
  • no - starts the game in a window
INTRO = {yes|no}
  • yes - Show the intro movie on start-up.
  • no - Don't show the intro movie.

If the game file does not have an intro movie, this parameter can be ignored.

FILE = {game.ved}

This parameter allows you to pass over the file, which is to be loaded automatically when starting the projector using the parameters configured above.

If empty, the projector will call the SmartSetup, using the parameters of the ini-file as default settings.

The file ending is of no importance, as long as it is valid visionaire game/project file.

LANGUAGE = {deutsch|englisch...}

Choose in which language the game is to be started.

Type in the exact name of the language as configured in the editor. If you start a .ved file, you might ignore this parameter.

TEMPPATH = {path}

During playing a game from a VED/EXE file sometimes some files (e.g. Videofiles) need to be extracted; Normally the directory is used, where the EXE file or the game projector are situated. A subdirectory tmp will be created there and used. We could not use the standard windows temp directory, because we got in trouble with some files.

For special situations, e.g. games running from CD, you can give here your own path.

The parameters and their values are case sensitive, except the file name (if exits)!! The order of the parameters is unimportant and does not have any effect.

1st Example

INTRO = no
TEMPPATH = c:/zak2tmp

Since no file name was entered, the SmartSetup will be called. The settings are set to windowed mode and "no intro". The player has to select a game file as well as a language manually. Temporary files are saved in directory c:\zak2tmp; the directory will be created, if it is not existing already.

2nd Example

INTRO = yes
FILE = demo/demo.vis
LANGUAGE = english

When starting the player, the game called "demo/demo.vis" is started automatically in full screen mode. The game language is English and the intro will be shown.

Command line parameters

Furthermore, there is the option of adding parameters to the visplayer.exe or the created <game>.exe. This can be done either when the game is started directly on the command line, but also from within a Windows shortcut.

The parameters are (the order is important!!!):

  • -w The game is started in windowed mode
  • -f The game is started in fullscreen mode
  • -t <path> The given path will be used to create temporary files and savegames. This is necessary if a compiled game that contains videos is started from a readonly medium (e.g. CD-ROM). The temporary directory is also home to the savegame directory, where the savegames are stored. At the moment, no spaces are permitted in the name of this path. (This functionality is still quite experimental; if anyone needs it for delivering his game on a CD/DVD, please give us a shout on [1].)
  • <ved/vis file> The last parameter can determine the filename of the game


visplayer.exe -f demogame.ved
demogame.exe -t c:\MyGame